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AWARDS Physics goes to Mars
VIDEO: Let’s civilize by teaching to be supportive)

GUARANTEE Physics goes to Mars
“I am glad to address you in order to give you the endorsement of the supportive educational project of Physics goes to Mars, biennium 2020-2021 from the teacher Sergio Bruno to be presented in the two referenced awards.
My endorsement is based on the fact I have closely followed the project from its beginnings when I was fulfilling the function of Teaching Inspector at Secondary School level in the school in which the mentioned project was implemented and, at present, in the function of Programme Coordinator +ATR from Dirección Provincial de Educación Secundaria.
Physics goes to Mars contributed not only to mitigate the disconnection of students with the school, but it also contributed to widen the horizons of the students to articulate the passage from Secondary School level to University level.” By Prof. Fabiana Rueda. Coordinator
of the Programme + ATR. Dirección Provincial de Educación Secundaria. Direction of Culture and Education. Government of Buenos

THE BEGGINING Physics goes to Mars 2020
VIDEO: Physics goes to Mars 2020 Intro )
VIDEO: Physics goes to Mars, find your opportunities)

HIGHLY VALUABLE Physics goes to Mars
“The project- which was implemented in numerous state secondary schools in La Plata during the biennium 2020/2021 (education during pandemic)- aimed to carry out the teaching of Physics in virtual and bimodality conditions through different educational strategies which allowed the participation of all students, being able to overcome, with the use of group work, the technological or connectivity difficulties they could have had. The project fostered values like solidarity, empathy and team work so that students generated a collaborative network, which guaranteed the educational act for everyone. It is also important to highlight that, apart from the perspective of inclusion,the gender approach was also offered in the teaching of the subject” by Prof. Gustavo Galli. Provincial Board of Secondary School Education. Government of Buenos Aires.

THE EXPANSION Physics goes to Mars 2021 (VIDEO: Physics goes to Mars 2021)

ACQUIECENCE Physics goes to Mars
“The projects has as its aims, among others, to: develop within the project relationships between the students with connectivity and without connectivity through solidarity aid, the starting point being to connect students with connectivity conforming groups for the creation of the Work Instructive; to connect students from a class with those from another class in the same school or from other schools, given that they have a point in common: they are developing the same project. The work is to be developed through the social networks suggested; to
create a fiction story in which students mimic the function they are going to fulfil: being an astronaut held in solitary confinement, developing a work instructive of electronic devices in group work for the confined astronaut from the Central Station on Planet Earth (Facebook), developing sequences of images of how the devices are built for the astronaut, also done in group work; generating a fictional environment which allows the student to escape reality for a moment and project themselves as scientists, in a near future, in a likely colonization of Planet Mars; and generating a binding assembly of the students with the National University of La Plata, given that the students, being in 5th year of secondary school are near to choose a university course, projecting themselves in a near future through the book Rescue Capsule or the eBook under the same name. This book has been specially elaborated by the Museum of Physics UNLP for this project, bearing all the costs, for the students to obtain them free of charge. The contents of the book will help the students in the building
of all the survival devices: battery, electric engine, electric generator, electrolysis and Martian cooker. Likewise, the projects aims at using social networks with which students feel comfortable in their environment as cyberspace natives. Meanwhile, teachers will have to migrate to that space. The use of social networks allows to quickly socialize with students who are
working on the same project but in another class or even another school. This contributes positively at times of social and physical confinement, developing socialization.
At the same time, it is intended to develop a spirit of solidarity for their classmate who is in solitary confinement so that that the confined student can feel accompanied and helped by their peers, calling on a supportive bondage.”. By Roberto Angrisani General Council
General Council for Culture and Education. General Directory for Culture and Education. Direction of Culture and Education. Government of Buenos Aires.

PRESENT AND FUTURE Physics goes to Mars 2022
VIDEO: Physics goes to Mars 2022)


Publicado el 27 febrero, 2023 a las 12:47pm —

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A las 7:57am, 1 febrero, 2025, Brice Lodugnon dijo…


¿Cómo te va? Mi nombre es Brice Lodugnon. Me interesé por ti después de leer tu breve perfil y consideré necesario escribirte de inmediato. Tengo algo muy importante que contarte, pero me resultó difícil expresarme aquí, ya que es un sitio público. ¿Podrías responderme a: ( para obtener todos los detalles?

Que tengas un buen día
Brice Lodugnon.




Actualmente DIM-EDU es una red social educativa que conecta más de 27.000 agentes educativos de todo el mundo; de ellos, 15.000 son participantes activos en algunas de sus actividades y 5.500 están inscritos en la red.

Su objetivo es promover la innovación educativa orientada a la mejora de la calidad y la eficacia de la formación que ofrecen los centros docentes, y así contribuir al desarrollo integral de los estudiantes  y al bienestar de las personas y la mejora de la sociedad. Ver más...

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