The twenty-first-century school is undergoing major transformations that involve analysing how to deal with the challenge of the new information society. Currently, their job is to strengthen the individual’s competences so they can meet the needs of their context, in which Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play an important role. Given this backdrop, this research is based on a multiple mixed study applied to 52 Colombian schools associated with the Innovative Didactics Mediated by ICT:
Challenges Based on the Learning Ecology project, whose objective was to identify the types of models of didactic integration with ICT mediation being used to transform education. As a result, we posit three models classified by teaching techniques, curricular conception and implementation of methodologies, along with the creation of models that contribute to cognitive development. These results enable teaching practices to be reconsidered and ultimately a new conception of teaching to be posited, where teaching with ICT integration goes beyond just its promises.
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Actualmente DIM-EDU es una red social educativa que conecta más de 27.000 agentes educativos de todo el mundo; de ellos, 15.000 son participantes activos en algunas de sus actividades y 5.500 están inscritos en la red.
Su objetivo es promover la innovación educativa orientada a la mejora de la calidad y la eficacia de la formación que ofrecen los centros docentes, y así contribuir al desarrollo integral de los estudiantes y al bienestar de las personas y la mejora de la sociedad. Ver más...
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